четверг, 18 апреля 2013 г.


Band: Bilskirnir
Album: In Flames of Purification
Year: 2002
Country: Germany, Hesse
Genre: NS Black Metal,
Lyrical Themes: National Socialism, Paganism
Label: Millenium Metal

1. For Victory We Ride 05:38
2. In Flames of Purification 06:20
3. Revenge 04:39
4. Die Lichtung 13:27
5. Barbarism Returns (Graveland cover) 05:08
6. Valhalla is Calling* 08:05
7. ...bis Germanien erwacht* 08:32
8. Feuerzauber* 04:53
9. For the Return of Paganism...* 04:56  


Band: Bilskirnir
Album: Atavismus des Glaubens
Year: 2003
Country: Germany, Hesse
Genre: NS Black Metal
Lyrical Themes: National Socialism, Paganism
Label: Nykta Records

1. Feuer und Schwert 02:45
2. Atavismus des Glaubens 03:54
3. By Fire, Midgard Shall Be Cleansed 04:32
4. Restitution 03:19
5. In Cosmic Source 04:42
6. Einsamkeit 09:15
7. Abschied 05:30


Band: Bilskirnir
Album: Ahnenerbe
Year: 2004
Country: Germany, Hesse
Genre: NS Black Metal
Lyrical Themes: National Socialism, Paganism
Label: Nykta Records

1. Furor 06:21
2. Blutgericht 03:54
3. Walgrind 02:55
4. Ahnenerbe 05:12


Band: Bilskirnir
Album: Hyperborea
Year: 2005
Country: Germany, Hesse
Genre: NS Black Metal
Lyrical Themes: National Socialism, Paganism
Label: Solistitium Records

1. As Snow Covered The Hyperborean Soil 07:39 2. Nordic White Desert 05:42  
3. Autumn Fires 05:48


Band: Bilskirnir
Album: Wolfswut
Year: 2006
Country: Germany, Hesse
Genre: NS Black Metal
Lyrical Themes: National Socialism, Paganism
Label: Wotanstahl Klangschmiede Germania

1. Wolfswut (Blutgericht II) 04:35  
2. The Hammer Strikes Again 03:47  
3. I Break (Katatonia Cover) 03:47  

Band: Bilskirnir
Album: Wotansvolk
Year: 2007
Country: Germany, Hesse
Genre: NS Black Metal
Lyrical Themes: National Socialism, Paganism
Label: Wotanstahl Klangschmiede Germania

1. Wotansvolk 04:03  
2. Weltenbrand 04:53  
3. Reconquering Atlantean Supremacy 08:26  
4. Niedergang 05:11  
5. Nacht und Nebel 08:15  
6. Nebelheim 02:14  
7. Wolfswut 04:31  


Band: Bilskirnir
Album: Totenheer
Year: 2009
Country: Germany, Hesse
Genre: NS Black Metal
Lyrical Themes: National Socialism, Paganism
Label: Stunde des Ideals Produktionen

1. Totenheer 07:58
2. Ása-Týr 05:56
3. Gebrechlichkeit (Burzum cover) 07:47
4. Ausklang 00:31

Band: Bilskirnir
Album: Dem Feind Entgegen
Year: 2011
Country: Germany, Hesse
Genre: NS Black Metal
Lyrical Themes: National Socialism, Paganism
Label: Dark Hidden Productions

1. Dem Feind entgegen 04:55  
2. Hunting at Night 03:55  
3. Wir rufen Deine Wölfe 02:44  
4. Through the Occult Veil (Graveland cover) 03:42 15:16  


Band: Bilskirnir
Album: Der Wolkenwanderer
Year: 2012
Country: Germany, Hesse
Genre: NS Black Metal
Lyrical Themes: National Socialism, Paganism
Label: Darker Than Black Records

1. Wotan Redivivus 05:35  
2. Der Wolkenwanderer 01:51
3. Mourning Soul (Absurd cover) 02:08  


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